Detailed readings from the RNSYC weather station                     [Use Refresh to Update]
Current Conditions Almanac
Last Updated: 16:28 on 12/4/20
Outside Temperature: 11.7 °C
Today's High: 18.1 °C at 7:06
Low: 10.2 °C at 4:24
Barometric Trend: 0.257
Sunrise: 5:59  Sunset: 19:45
Moonrise:   0:34   Moonset:  8:39
Moon Phase: 20
Parameter Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time
Wind Direction N 360 0:00 360 0:00 360 0.0 0.0 0:00 0.0 0:00
Wind Speed 0 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 -0.0 -0.0 0:00 -0.0 0:00
Gust 0 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 -0.0 -0.0 0:00 -0.0 0:00
In Humidity 33 34 10:43 31 4:53 34 -0.9 1.5 10:43 -1.0 4:53
Out Humidity 79 85 14:27 58 6:58 82 -2.8 8.3 7:37 -11.7 6:58
In Temp 21.7 21.7 16:09 20.5 7:28 21.6 0.13 0.26 11:55 -0.15 4:57
Out Temp 11.7 18.1 7:06 10.2 4:24 11.6 0.13 3.56 6:55 -2.18 7:34
Barometer 1008 1011 0:00 1007 14:44 1007 0.257 0.584 15:59 -1.094 0:00
Rain 2.47 2.47 0:00 2.47 0:00 2.47 0.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0:00
Wind Chill 11.7 18.1 7:08 10.2 4:24 11.6 0.13 3.56 6:55 -2.18 7:34
In Heat Index 21.4 21.4 16:09 20.1 7:28 21.3 0.10 0.28 11:55 -0.19 4:57
Heat Index 14.0 18.9 7:08 12.5 4:24 14.1 -0.08 2.86 6:54 -1.77 7:31
Dew Point 8.2 9.7 6:32 6.3 0:50 8.6 -0.38 1.51 6:32 -0.83 7:28
Sea-level Baro 1008 1011 0:00 1007 14:44 1007 0.257 0.584 15:59 -1.094 0:00
Parameter Month High Date Month Low Date Year High Date Year Low Date Yesterday High Yesterday Low 24 Hour Difference
Wind Direction 360 1/4/20 360 1/4/20 360 1/1/20 5 3/1/20 360 360 0
Wind Speed 0 1/4/20 0 1/4/20 49 13/1/20 0 1/1/20 0 0 0
Gust 0 1/4/20 0 1/4/20 49 13/1/20 0 22/1/20 0 0 0
In Humidity 34 12/4/20 20 1/4/20 50 14/1/20 19 28/3/20 33 30 2
Out Humidity 95 9/4/20 43 3/4/20 100 22/1/20 43 3/4/20 87 70 4
In Temp 24.9 7/4/20 20.5 11/4/20 24.9 7/4/20 15.3 16/1/20 21.3 20.5 0.8
Out Temp 18.1 12/4/20 1.9 1/4/20 18.1 12/4/20 0.5 21/1/20 13.9 9.4 0.2
Barometer 1026 7/4/20 1004 2/4/20 1042 19/1/20 972 29/2/20 1019 1011 -7
Rain 2.47 1/4/20 2.47 1/4/20 2.47 29/3/20 0.00 1/1/20 2.47 2.47 0.00
Wind Chill 18.1 12/4/20 1.9 1/4/20 18.1 12/4/20 -4.2 21/1/20 13.9 9.4 0.2
In Heat Index 24.4 7/4/20 20.1 12/4/20 24.4 7/4/20 15.1 28/2/20 20.9 20.1 0.9
Heat Index 19.4 6/4/20 4.6 1/4/20 19.4 6/4/20 4.1 21/1/20 15.8 12.3 0.5
Dew Point 12.3 6/4/20 -0.4 1/4/20 12.3 6/4/20 -3.5 28/3/20 9.5 6.2 0.9
Sea-level Baro 1026 7/4/20 1004 2/4/20 1042 19/1/20 972 29/2/20 1019 1011 -7
Press Altitude 155 Daily  Rain 0.00 Degree Heating 17.6 Monthly Degree Day Cooling 0.0 Heat Index --- Beaufort Calm
Cloud Base 1583 Hourly  Rain 0.00 Degree Cooling 0.0 Monthly Wind Run 0 Comfort Index Cool    
Air Density -180 24Hr Rain 0.00 Moon Phase 20 Yearly Deg Day Heating 4377.5 Forecast Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precip possible within 12 hours possibly heavy at times. Windy    
Virtual Temp 12.9 Rain Rate 0.000 Monthly Rain 0.00 Yearly Degree Day Cooling 0.0 Station Barom Trend Rising    
Vapor Press 11 Wind Run 0 Monthly Deg Day Heating 322.7 Yearly Wind Run 8873 Barometer Trend Rising    
Warning: Do not base important decisions on this information or any other weather information obtained from the Internet